
  • Bio gas can be produced from many different waste materials
  • We are focussed on the three domains
  • organics from residual waste
  • separated biowaste and food waste
  • farm waste

The production of biogas is essentially predestined for Iran. Bio gas facilities are a profitable choice due to high FiTs, the high ratio of organics in residual waste and the huge livestock economies. The biogas produced can be converted into electricity using CHP technology and afterwards implemented into the electricity network. One other possibility is to process the biogas to bio methane and to use as CNG fuel in vehicles. The production of biogas is a large contributor to carbon dioxide neutral energy production and due to the transformation of CH4 to CO2 a large contributor to the reduction of green house gases.

To that end, we are in close cooperation with the family business Thöni GmbH from Austria for years.